What sets this guidebook apart from other books on the topic is that it is realistic. Where other books glamorize the world of fashion and gloss over details such as the intense amount of work involved or that it’s absurdly difficult to even get hired in an area, this guidebook doesn’t worry about potentially putting the reader off. Including both the perks and disadvantages, Julia Yates ensures that prospective designers, managers, technicians, etc. will have realistic expectations when pursuing their career.
Don’t let the small size of this book fool you either—it’s thorough. Beginning with a handy chart to help direct those who are unsure which of the many, many careers may be best for them, the introduction also includes techniques for the vital skills of building a résumé and portfolio, tips for interviews and job hunting, along with a plethora of other helpful tidbits about getting an education and work experience in the fashion industry. It then goes on to walk you through each career, complete with a brief description of what it entails, neatly bulleted pros and cons, essential skills and/or education needed prior to entering, the expected salary and entrance difficulty, websites for information, for finding jobs and internships, as well as case studies featuring real people in said career, offering advice and their own stories of their journey (and often success) in it.
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